Thursday, June 07, 2007

Acute on chronic Blogemia

Sorry there have been no new posts. Baleeiro and I are essentially the last surviving members of the blog (functionally, not literally - the others are not dead; they just lost interest) and our motivation for daily posts has somewhat diminished given lack of participation from outside readers, previous contributors and anyone else who might come across this blog. I will most likely leave a post or two a week and we will see where this goes. We have been steadily building a database over 2 years of pulmonary cases (with discussion) and all categorized, so it is a bit of a shame that it goes this way. Hopefully we can wean the blog off of the proverbial vent and not proceed to comfort care measures....


6 comments - CLICK HERE to read & add your own!:

Anonymous said...

Hey id like to know what the users think of the infamous "TB guy" case.I personally think it's mind blowing that the hopsital let him out!! And for the record a right uper lobectomy would obviously solve a big part of the problem. Ive seen patient getting pneumonectomy for a lot less!

Anonymous said...

Laat je niet gekmaken gozer! Jullie doen het best goed maar als je een lekkere geyle foto van Froukje zou posten doet dat wel een beetje helpen denk ik.

Anonymous said...


Just to let you know I sneak on this blog from while to while, to check if there are new onco cases.

Anonymous said...

Sad. Hate to see this floundering. Would still like the case posters to leave a current or final status - diff dx or final dx on their cases even if they are still up in the air or lost to follow up. I do check in periodically too. I guess more folks just need to post their thoughts instead of waiting for others to.

Health Watch Center said...

Hello JJ,

This is a great place, I regularly visit here for updates and tried to leave comments sometimes but they never got posted...

Self Help Zone

Anonymous said...

Well...if it is confirmation of readership that this blog is seeking...I am sure you have readers! I am reading these entries and cases, and I will go back as well....I am a compulsive reader so I will come back. I stumbled upon this site linked to a nurse blog that I was reading in an attempt to not feel so alone out there as a new nurse. Maybe I will write my own journal! At any rate I will continue to read these cases and journals especially the acute cases :)