Friday, July 14, 2006

follow-up #2 to the Woman with ground glass

Official TBBX showed:
Right lung, lower lobe, transbronchial biopsy:
1. Active interstitial inflammation with type 2-pneumocyte hyperplasia.
2. Grocott stain is negative for fungus.
3. Ziehl-Neelsen stain is negative for acid-fast bacteria.
B. Endobronchial, main carina, biopsy: Unremarkable bronchial tissue.

Don't know what this means (or doesn't mean), except that I probably could have gotton away with steroids (she's in Yemen for the next 3+ months, so I wanted to know what I was treating). If she were still here, how many would treat, how many would observe, and how many would proceed with open lung/VATs Bx?

1 comments - CLICK HERE to read & add your own!:

Jeff H said...

I think that if, on return, the ground glass persists, I'd want a surgical lung biopsy prior to treating with steroids.