Thursday, November 03, 2005

Follow-up to abnormal CxR - part II

This is the woman in her 70s with an abnormal CxR. After the thoracentesis she had more L lung collapse: by the time of the bronch and the f/up PET she had complete L lung collapse (making her at least a IIIA). Her past showed uptake only in the peri-hilar mass itself. Our surgeons and a CT surgeon from a large University Center nearby felt that though she was a IIIA, her lesion was very proximal (less than 2 cm to the carina) and she would be a poor candidate for a pneumonectomy so she is receivin Chemo and xRt. She will follow-up with us and may benefit from APC or stenting to the lesion to improve drainage/clearance of the collapsed lung.

3 comments - CLICK HERE to read & add your own!:

Jennings said...

Actually, complete lung collapse or tumor < 2 cm from carina gives you a T3. If you have N0 and Mo, that is a IIb. However, if the PET showed any hilar involvement it is no longer N0 so that would put it into the IIa category as you said.
But I do agree with Mendez that she is likely inoperable at least based on the poor lung function.

Baleeiro said...

That's what we thought T3N1=IIIA but with poor function...

Jennings said...

oops I meant IIIa in my comment with regards to positive hilar involvement.